Project Description
That Championship Season
年輕時摘下州際籃球冠軍的四名戰友再度聚首,已貴為市長的George正準備競選連任!面對政敵攻擊,選情告急,George渴望得到好友的支持。富商Phillip一直是George背後的金主,他的採礦生意倚仗這樣的政治關係越做越大; 老實人James是一位中學校長;其弟Tom離家十年,是個生活潦倒的作家,其才華睿智卻是競選軍師的不二人選!
無論在球場抑或人生,幾個年近半百的大男孩一直在老教練的帶領下並肩作戰;直至Phillip 被揭發為了生意竟然投向George的政敵,而James好好先生的外衣下也不過是狼子野心;出賣、謊言、失望、欺凌,人生如戰場,最可怕的,從來不是面前的對手……
音 樂:劉穎途
- 每次購買正價門票5至10張:九五折;11張或以上:九折
- 門票於7月28日起在各城市電腦售票處、網上及信用卡電話購票熱線發售
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- 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲六折優惠(優惠先到先得,額滿即止)
信用卡電話購票:2111 5999
粵語演出 In Cantonese
溫廸倫導演的劇場空間翻譯劇《勝者為王》,由司徒偉健聯同四位劇本翻譯工作坊的學生黃碧雲、香百豪、盧宜敬和李振輝翻譯自美國劇作家 Jason Miller 的 《That Championship Season》。這齣關於政商勾結的舞台劇安排在現今香港市民力抗假普選的關鍵時刻公演,是非常合適,劇中那些發生在 1972 年美國的權貴戲,值得生活各方面都被權貴擺佈、傷害的香港觀眾細味。
《勝者》描述多年前一隊學界藍球隊的四名戰友如今在教練(馮祿德飾)的家聚會,戰友中包括要競選連任的市長 George (楊吉璽飾)、從事採礦生意的富商 Phil (陳健豪飾)、校長 James (喬寶忠飾)和 James 那酗酒的作家弟弟 Tom (陳敏斌飾)。George 要透過聚會向 Phil 爭取競選經費的捐助,聚會開始便聽到當 Phil 犯了交通規例時,身為市長的他已喑中命令警方放過懲處 Phil,而另一方面,George 亦答允 James 若他支持自己競選市長,會給 James 奉上一個教育局總督學的職位。George 收賣兩位戰友的手段,後者在香港是普通事,特首選局長和行政會議成員同樣有類似的政治籌傭,至於幫 Phil 脱交通違例罪則難在香港找到有公開出來的類似例子,但政府領導人為政治目的胡亂濫用或操控警權,在筆者寫本文時已發生,香港警方竟配合特首梁振英粗暴傷害爭取真普選的和平市民!George 的團隊在劇中發掘競選對手的黑材料、George 的妻子生了個有蒙古症的孩子便藏起這孩子、學生在校園以行動嘲諷市長無能導致市長竟致電給校長抗議……等骯髒的競選/管治手段,觀眾看時易惹起聯想兼感到共鳴,皆因梁振英競選特首時也疑似靠黑材料令對手敗陣,又被人揭發隱瞞住所有僭建,到當選後則出現不少打壓言論自由的事例。
Tom 愈喝愈醉並不時酒後吐真言地道出一些反映其他角色很虛偽的話,他每說一次都會遭哥哥James 喝止,連串喝止均使筆者聯想到香港不少人為真普選講真心話做真心事,卻遭到大大小小的打壓。《勝者》的上半場,Phil 先說不滿政府加税和政府的差勁施政導致清潔工人罷工、工廠結業,然後他欲把競選經費轉捐給 George 的對手,並大爆自己曾跟 George 的妻子上床令在聚會得知的 George 震怒,都帶來強烈的戲劇效果兼能滿足香港觀眾的幻想 : 跟香港政府在任何施政上都不敢開罪大商家(例如放棄立法會功能組别議席),使大商家總盲撐政府的現況不同,Phil 是會放棄撐一個曾給他私利的政府。
可惜《勝者》下半場的劇情發展陷於膠著狀態,節奏亦拖慢。George 的妻子主動跟 Phil 上床以換取丈夫的競選經費,以及教練講了一大堆教訓話,令感情已四分五裂的四位戰友在刹那間似乎團結起來,這兩段高潮戲 /結局在欠缺細緻的刻劃下,都予人生硬乏味和急就章之感。
劇中提及四個角色都是四十多歲,筆者覺得在選角上,陳敏斌是似四十多歲,但陳健豪較似三十歲,楊吉璽與喬寶忠卻遠超四十多歲。五位演員均能把角色的個性和心理狀態演得透徹細膩,楊吉璽在上半場的自信、談笑風生跟後來爆發的激憤,帶來强烈得精彩的對比;陳敏斌將酒醉三分醒的身心狀態演得具真實感;喬寶忠一方面把校長那文質彬彬的形象及說話方式維持得很好,另一方面當 James 每次力阻 Tom 說話時,他用的語氣就像一個操控小朋友言行的直升機(獨裁)家長;馮祿德演的教練在劇中大部分時間都顯得親切友善兼風趣,但當他以中氣十足的家長式教訓口吻彰顯自己的權威,並不怕把歧視、自私、心懷詭計等人性陰暗面暴露出來時,又令人深信他確曾打爆過學生的下巴;黏上鬍子兼裝上肚腩的陳健豪抹掉他本人的青春氣息,把成熟穩重中見風流不覊、自信之餘又深謀遠慮的角色特質演活。
台上有很多美國總統的肖像和把美國國旗穿在身上的美女廣告,亦有獎盃、大量酒瓶和多支槍械,這些佈景、道具在劇中各有用處,不是緊扣劇情(如 Tom 把嘔吐物嘔在獎盃),便是能帶出美國的社會現象(如容易產生暴力事件、被消費主義的生活包圍、願意從歷史汲取教訓),絕非是純美化舞台的擺設。
勝者為王 – 觀後随想
For a “dated” (meant neutrally) play such as this one to be appreciated, an understanding of the period is necessary. Rather than fussing about “what’s the big deal about screwing around with other people’s wife”, the audience need to appreciate that two decades after the height of McCarthyism, bigotry was still blatantly alive in the United States, as best reflected by a most popular TV drama called “All in the family”. Archie Bunker, the “hero” of the show and an iconic working-class red neck, was bigotry personified. In “That championship season”, the main character, the coach, all but out-Bunkers Archie although he is at a somewhat higher rung in the social class ladder. Another important icon, this one real rather than fictional, was the coach of the Football (American football, that is) team Green Bay Packers that won the very first two seasons of the Super Bowl (1967, 1968). Vince Lombardi’s legendary quote was probably known to each and every single American at the time: “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. Underscoring this spirit, at the conclusion of the play, was the melody of the U.S. national anthem, wordlessly bringing to mind the lyrics “Oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light….”.
One New York Times theatre review I managed to Google is on a 2011 production starring Kiefer Sutherland (as James) and Brian Cox (as the coach). The review opens with this apt introduction “Like its liquored-up, confession-prone characters, this award-laden 1972 drama states its intentions loudly, repeatedly and often embarrassingly.” This insightful review continues later with “Being equated with the United States is not a compliment…..(the play) made its debut on the eve of the Watergate scandal, and is steeped in the smell of disgust with red-white-and-blue corruption in the age of the Vietnam War”.
明白了這齣劇的背景,便不會挑剔它 “老餅”,而以温故而知新的角度去欣賞其傳統戲劇手法。老教練之外四個角色各有典型,借用上述劇評:George – Buffoon; Phil – Cad;James – Little Man;Tom – Cynical Drunk. 教練的“大美國”更不用說。
「劇場空間」真好玩,年中推出一齣陰柔的《八美猜兇》後,今次是極盡陽剛的《勝者為王》,同樣是大致上“見慣見熟”的强勁卞士。《勝者為王》中唯一不同的是“聽慣聽熟”的楊吉璽,使人立刻想起十多年前「義海雄風」裡演大奸角的倪秉郎,不過倪氏是職業演藝人,楊氏是傳媒人玩票式踏台板,演George表現十分不俗,能量充沛之餘,Buffoon一面亦演得夠放。陳敏斌的演出,最記得的就是場刊提到的《房間裏的女人》(網誌42),雖然演得好,但角色設計近乎虚幻,而今次《勝者為王》裡,最喜歡的就是他的Cynical Drunk啊Tom,一股毒手瘋乞金世遺(《雲海玉弓緣》)的味兒活現台上,魅力十足。餘下三位,都是看過無數次,而且均有參與去年的《歷史男生》(網誌60) 的演出。可塑性很高的喬寶忠《歷》劇中演的是個心術不正的校長,但今年較早的《棋廿三》(網誌63) 裡卻是强硬的日本棋仕,今次搖身一變,是自怨自艾的小人物,很是神似;《歷史男生》裡陳健豪和馮祿德兩個角色的強烈對比和衝擊,是該劇最大趣味的所在,今次各自精彩,陳健豪是擔任“四人組”中“市儈” 一環,馮祿德的教練是整齣戲的最中心人物,有趣的是某些遭遇和他《歷》劇中的角色相同,就是年老時再不獲僱主尊重,但相同之處只此而已,《歷》劇中的老師雖然行徑有時出位,但卻是備受敬愛,今次的教練在成年後的學生面前遂漸原形畢露,醜態百出,兩個截然不同的角色,都被馮祿德演活了。
I went to the 9.30 evening performance. It’s just excellent!!
I was totally absorbed in those few hours and the experience is totally enjoyable!!
I cannot comment on the translation as I haven’t read Jason Miller’s original work, nor can I comment on the props, costumes, lighting, etc. Sorry, as know nothing about theatre art.
I like the play itself. The script is so very well written. The whole story, with such a lot of complicated relationships, in and out through time, actually takes place at one site — the coach’s home! The two “hidden” characters, Martin and George’s wife (forgot the name), are so vividly brought to life even though they never show their face in the play. Their presence is as powerful as the other five.
The actors are excellent, first-rate, and I have to say that Phil is the most impressive!! He brings the audience through the different emotions, merry-making, arrogance, anger, embarrassment,… It’s an enjoyment to see his every act, every movement of his face, his eyebrows… I don’t know how to express in words. The rest are excellent too, George, James, Tom and the coach. Tom is a bit difficult to act, perhaps it’s not easy for someone with sense to play a drunkard.
It’s a bit sad to see at the end of the day, the four so obediently and willingly continue to conform to the so-called values of the coach. They could have a chance to break through, after all the brutal facts are revealed. Somehow, they gave up!
It’s a pity I missed studying their faces at photo-taking scene. I wonder what they’re thinking about when they take the photo. The coach, the winner, should be drowned with that strong sense of achievement, but the four losers? What’s in their mind?
Thank you for staging this performance! I’m short of words to describe it.
I hope to see more of your performance in the future!
Best regards,